3 Simple Ways To Get The Best Results From Pinterest

1. Pin consistently ( it doesn’t have to be 100 times a day)

There is a myth floating around the internet that to get the best results on Pinterest, you should pin around 70-100 pins a day. This is all good and well If you’re at home all day and have the time on your hands to do this… however for most of us, this is just unrealistic. 

Pinning more times a day doesn't necessarily mean more page views and better results. What will get you more page views and better results on Pinterest is your strategy! If you pin strategically, ensuring you're giving your followers what they want, your Pinterest account is much more likely to be successful than if you just pin 100 random pins a day.

So how many times a day should you pin?

At the end of the day this is completely up to you and how much time you can afford to devote to your Pinterest strategy. But, if we had to say a number we would say around 5-10 pins a day is a great place to start and if you can squeeze in a few more, amazing! What's most important is the quality of the pins and being consistent with your pinning. Pinterest highlights that consistency is key and it’s better to divide up your pins across the week than bulk posting all at once.

2. Add save buttons to your website

Adding a save button to your website allows people to pin your content from your site at the click of a button! You can insert clickable save buttons so that a save button will appear in the corner of every image on your site, or you can make it so a button will appear when people hover over the image. If you want people to take action, you need to make it as easy as possible for them and adding save buttons is a great way to encourage people to save your content. You can insert your buttons using Pinterest Widget Builder.

3. Create amazing visuals

We all know Pinterest is a very visual platform. So, in order to reap the best results you must ensure your visuals are creative and look nice - as this is what will make people want to pin them! Your photos should be good quality, clear and grab people’s attention! If you don't have time to take your own photos or you don’t think your photography skills are quite up to scratch, you can get free stock images from sites such as isplash.com and pexels.com.

You’ve probably seen the images with text over them frequently being used on Pinterest. Not only does this look nice, but adding text to an image rather than leaving it to the description box is a great way to give your viewers an immediate idea of what the post is about. Research shows that pins that include text over the image get 23% more clickthroughs and 31% more saves than those without. A great way to create these visuals (and what we use to create them) is Canva.com - It has Pinterest layouts specifically for this use and is super easy to create! 

If you have any questions regarding Pinterest, or need advice on getting started - get in touch! We welcome any questions! - @lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital


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