5 CV Tips That Will Get You The Interview!

In the process of applying for your dream job? Don’t let your CV be the reason you're rejected! Employers read hundreds of CVs in their life time and the simplest of errors such as a spelling mistake will put you straight in the "NO" pile. 

Below are 5 top tips on how to nail your CV to get you that interview!

1. Make a good first impression

On average, employers will look at CVs for 8 seconds. To land yourself the interview, you need to ensure yours stands out and entices them to carry on reading. There are lots of ways to do this - do your research on the company and think outside the box!

For example, a friend of mine at University was applying for her dream job at Lush - a cosmetic company who take recycling and looking after the environment very seriously. After carrying out research on the company she decided to hand write her CV on 100% recycled paper and hand it to the staff of Lush in person while they were visiting the University. Of course this made her stand out - she got the interview and the job!

Obviously it’s not possible to go to such lengths for all job applications but keep in mind that employers see hundreds and hundreds of the same CVs so try to stand out in any way you can! There are thousands of templates online which you can use to design your CV while still keeping it professional and tailored to you. We love and recommend using Canva - it has a wide range of templates whether its for your CV or Cover letter and its super easy to use!

2. Tailor it to you and your strengths

We’ve all been there - when you’re desperate for a job its very tempting to just send out the same CV/Cover letter to lots of employers at the same time. This is a big no go! Taking a bit of time to research the companies you are really interested in and tailoring your CV to that will save you a lot of time and make your chances of landing an interview a lot higher! Make sure you highlight your relevant strengths and explain why you are the perfect person for the job - Trust me, they will appreciate the effort!

3. Include a cover letter!

Including a cover letter in your application is just as important as your CV. This is your chance to really pitch yourself and grab the employers attention. Once you’ve done your research, here is where you can really link your strengths to the needs of the company and explain why they NEED to employ you! Be wary of talking too much about how this job will help you and why you want it so much - as brutal as it may sound, employers don’t care. All they care about is how YOU are going to help THEM. Talk about your relevant skills and experience and avoid samey samey adjectives like ‘motivated’ and ‘determined’ - they’ve heard it all before!

4. Tell the truth!

Everyone tells lies in their cv right? WRONG! Obvious, blatant lies in your CV will sooner or later lead you to a whole lot of trouble you’d rather avoid. Although it’s frustrating when you find your dream job and there is a few skills you don’t possess, lying is not the answer. Employers often check your background and references and there is nothing worse than starting a new job and being caught out for lying! Not only might you lose the job, but it’s very, very embarrassing (especially if you are caught out on the spot with no excuse at all!) Stick to the truth, be yourself and show off your other areas of strength - If you are right for the job you will get it.

5. Proof read everything

PROOF READ, PROOF READ, PROOF READ! If a company receives hundreds of applications and yours has one spelling mistake, no matter how small - your CV will be immediately be in bin. You need to prove to the employer that you have a high attention to detail and small mistakes will portray you as lazy and that you don’t really care about the job. Check it over yourself and then get someone else to proof read it too!

If you’re applying for your dream job and are serious about it, taking the extra time to tailor your CV to you, write a cover letter, present your CV in a unique way and proofread really will be worth it!

Let us know down in the comments if you have any tips for nailing your CV and remember if you have any questions, we're only a DM / Email away! -  @lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital  / info@sassydigital.co.uk 


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